Granada is a modern, cosmopolitan city that still maintains strong cultural rituals and respect for the traditional Spanish lifestyle. While other larger cities in Europe have become increasingly Americanized, life in Granada continues to feel quintessentially "Spanish." Local businesses and family-owned restaurants stand firm in the face of global chains. Shops close at midday for families to gather for the main meal and siesta. Commercial businesses are closed on Sundays for rest and family time. The tradition of the evening paseo (stroll) and tapas with friends prevail even amidst the demands of modern life. Granada's traditional lifestyle honors simple pleasures and a relaxed pace of life.
National and local holidays are celebrated in Granada with gusto and further demonstrate pride and respect for cultural traditions. Perhaps Granada's most famous celebration is Corpus Christi, a traditionally Catholic holiday that occurs in late May or early June and coincides with the city's week-long feria, or town fair. The city goes all out for this holiday - decorating its streets and plazas and fairgrounds with spectacular light displays and pavilions. Even the city residents are known to dress up in traditional flamenco attire to stroll the streets or visit the fairgrounds. Open air performances, lively parades, and solemn religious processions showcase the best of Granada's cultural traditions during this special holiday week.